The 360o water conditioner.
2hr Aquarist APT Pure – Comprehensive and super-concentrated formula removes chlorine & chloramines and detoxifies heavy metals, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
Contains soothing Aloe Vera extract.
Dose 1ml per 60L
Dose up to 5X recommended dosage of APT Pure as an emergency tool to detoxify Ammonia.
the simple power of water change the 2hr way
One of the most powerful ways to improve tank performance is also the simplest: Regular water change in a mindful way.
It is practised in the largest world-class aquariums, and should be done even in a the smallest desktop tank. While a tank looks naturalistic, it is not naturally self-sustaining. Organic waste (much of which cannot be measured by hobbyist test kits) accumulates and not everything can be digested by the tank’s bio-filter.
Embrace the power: Change Water the 2Hr Way today.

The #1 algae trigger is decomposing organic matter. Remove all decaying leaves. Stem plants require replanting after pruning a few times. Unlike terrestrial hardwoods, older aquatic stems generally deteriorate over time. Remove and discard old stems and roots.
Instead of simply draining water, use a pipette or turkey baster to gently stir up detritus on the surface of plants and substrate. Take care not to stir up deeper levels of the substrate. Vacuum the detritus away while draining away around 40% of the tank’s water.
Add a comprehensive 360Â water conditioner directly into the tank and refill, taking care not to stir up the deeper levels of substrate. If you are keeping sensitive livestock, pre-mix the water conditioner in a separate container before adding the conditioned water into the aquarium.

Industrial water chlorination dates back to the 1890s in Germany and the UK.
Today most urban tap water contains between 0.2ppm and 2ppm of Chlorine and Chloramines ( a more stable form of Chlorine).
This is high enough to kill water-borne diseases, but low enough for human consumption. However this level is sufficient to harm fish and destroy the beneficial bacteria in an aquarium.

It is worth the effort to change ~40% of the tank water regularly.
At least monthly for a slow growing, fully planted tank with a light fish load. More frequently for tanks with higher bio loads.
Regular water change helps keep algae at bay by removing organic waste that is not digested by microbial action (and not measurable by hobbyist test kits).
When performed the 2Hr Way, it significantly reduces the prime algae triggers of detritus and decaying matter. It also helps to remove algae spores.

5 threats
Apart from Chlorine and Chloramine, tap water can have unexpected occurrences of Heavy Metals (e.g. copper from old piping) which is lethal to livestock.
Tap water can also contain Ammonia. More often though, it is released within the tank: when we stir up decaying matter buried in the substrate, when there is livestock death or when the tank’s biological filtration system fails and there is a surge in waste matter.
Sudden spikes in Ammonia and Nitrite (an oxidised form of Ammonia) can melt plants and kill livestock.

360 protection from Chlorine, Chloramines, Ammonia, Heavy Metals, Nitrites and Nitrates.
5X more concentrated than competing products. This translates to greater savings.
Try it for 100 days. If it doesn’t work, get a full refund. We are aquarists too and want the best for you.

Above: a 2Hr Tank with a lively population of Gold Tetras using APT Pure water conditioner.
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