Bucephalandra Lamandau Mini Purple is an easy aquarium plant with tiny leaves. It can be grown submerged or immersed, making it a great choice for planted tanks as well as terrarium-like setups such as paludariums or vivariums. Like all Bucephalandra, Buce Lamandau Mini Purple is very slow-growing, with new leaves sprouting from long, thin rhizomes. It can be propagated by cutting the rhizome and attached to aquarium driftwood and rocks using super glue gel or thread.
- Bucephalandra is an epiphytic aquarium plant so it can be attached to aquarium hardscape.
- Do not plant Bucephalandra in substrate and cover the rhizome. This will cause it to melt and rot.
- Please be sure to remove this plant from its pot. Remove the rockwool surrounding the roots and attach to hardscape
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